Hello everyone
I want to share with you my opinion about this essay about education in latin american.
In many respects the youth is seen as a preparatory period, young people are considered adults in training which prepares us as persons in development to reach adult status properly. From this evidence one hue is meaningless and meaning of being young as such, and to that extent the participation and youth organization are a formation scenario for young people to learn to bind successfully to the adult world, and of course the dynamics the current environment.
My participation and my essay does not seek to make accusations, let alone become a critic of the education systems of our Latin American countries, first because I believe and others have been ordered to do so, and secondly because my position is to assist and to encourage all young people who like me, feel the need to know about a reality, because it is necessary to reflect a change and understand the nature of indispensability which represents education for development, to see us and become an essential part of the solution contribute to the development of our countries.
Education: The Latin American scenario.
"... It is clearer than ever that the battle for achieving Education for All is not equal throughout the world"
(Mr. Koichiro Matsuura, Director General of UNESCO)
When we think about education, and especially as it has evolved over the years in Latin America, we must be clear that while it is true that the region has made a very determined way over the past decades, and has achieved gradually increase the numbers of access to it, the students are not able to reach it required learning levels to join the complex dynamics of today's world.
There is in most Latin American countries a lack of awareness on the issue of education, which becomes a major barrier to solving many current problems facing our countries can not continue cutting the surface causes the problems, but to understand the root of most of them.
Today Latin American education systems are faced with a reality that we can not hide, we must understand that the increased uncertainty generated by the global crisis we face, but the social, political and cultural, the same globalization and technology, added factors that accelerate the changes, and place the education systems of Latin American countries face challenges and extraordinary challenges.
A education in Latin America, past imposing a cross-cutting themes as exclusion, discrimination, poverty, gender and location, and add a new variable to the equation: the burden of the future with lines such as quality and equity.
The issue of education can not be analyzed in a concise form, as there are many factors and conditions that are variants in each country, but certainly at the regional level becomes necessary to recognize that is an issue that needs to be adjusted to the characteristics of world today require that every government in Latin America do a study based on the social conditions of each country, allowing education as a priority be placed within the same political agendas.
Against a background of light and shadow, our role as young people, as professionals, as citizens and as members of a society committed, is to make a stop in our lives and reflect, take action to create critical awareness that however small they seem the spectrum that we face, help to become true agents transformers of our societies and our countries.
A need for change.
... "Everyone has the right to education"
(Art. 26 Universal Declaration of Human Rights)
"Change the way you think ... changes everything in this world," Mercedes Sosa mentions in his song, same search on "youtube" to when I posed the following questions: What can education do for my country?, " For Latin America? Why a need for change?.
I decided not to write the rest of the questions that arose in my mind, because the goal is not to make this a test, but rather that the answers constitute a fundamental part of the picture, the why? Latin American countries are faced with a need for change.
To answer the first of my questions, I will ask you to use your imagination, imagine the map of Latin America; Now imagine the map with migraine face, this face that you think is the product of their "symptoms", which in this case are the problems facing our Latin American countries in the education issue, and the symptoms of the "migraine" in the context are: poverty, segmentation, inequality, exclusion, lack of education quality and the devaluation of teaching. These "symptoms" may occur with greater force and intensity in different countries. Now what can be done to reduce the "migraine"?, So, take a "aspirin"!
The "aspirin" as the main constituent "education" is to which I refer when I try to answer my first concerns, "aspirin" of education, may be able to relieve the discomfort and pain relief, and that's exactly what education can do for our countries, can reduce illiteracy, to break with the gaps of exclusion, can transform and improve the living conditions of people. Education becomes valuable to humans, and thus becomes rich in the region where it is found, education is easier to achieve development and sustainability of a country ... And if this is true! ... How many aspirin has taken that map to alleviate the "migraine"?, Latin America now needs a good dose of "aspirin."
The need for change is essential and fundamental part of the process of evolution of the world and man. Education must be understood as a complex phenomenon which try to identify a single element can not only be difficult but also misleading. Although education is defined in the world as a right for all, not everyone can make valuable, and in this situation is that we start the evolution towards that change individual and collective behavior, allowing to set aside the ideas that education is a privilege and an object of possession for a few, understand that schools are not the only place which meets the education of people, understand that this issue is not just the problem of education systems or teachers. Education is a subject of all. It is this change that I mean, is this change that although not eliminate the problem overnight, whether it will initiate a culture of solidarity that is so important to any form of work and development that enables fight against exclusion is a result of any kind of inequality and injustice.
"The key is fairness" and go as understanding and assimilating it ourselves we will be champions of change: political, social and cultural rights, to discuss a new process: that of building a caring society to promote sustainable human development at individual, community, country and regional levels.
A challenge of all.
"Tell me and I forget, show me and I remember, involve me and I learn"
(Benjamin Franklin)
At this point I wanted to place you in the reality of education, and similarly consider the idea of why change is necessary. Now, in my role as a young and aware of our role as such, and in light of this reality, I believe that our region has not only latiomamerica difficulties, but great opportunities in the education issue, not that we identify as the "educated "but that You, Me, and every young man who achieved empathize with our realities, become a promoter of positive changes in our societies, will tend to become an" educator "of all and for all, and understand that education not limited to our neighborhood, neighborhood, city or country, but covers the whole world and all people.
The youth in our societies has begun to acquire a leading role in many areas, and basically in the social and business.
On the other hand, the World Bank (2008) recognizes the importance of increasing investment in human capital for young people to contribute to the emergence of skills and capabilities to act in new ways to strengthen social capital, which in in turn demonstrates the participation and youth organization as a strategy to build human capital in the future. "
My invitation is to You, and Me, that as young, as a future leader in your community, your country, your region, not silence your voice, take care instead of worrying! Develop a knowledge management ... your knowledge!, Because this way we will be asking ourselves and creating opportunities for participation, involving the integration of a social force of public awareness of solidarity, pointing to the construction of new national and regional projects also supported the creation of conditions for the strengthening of education to enable progress towards a more equitable world, justice, solidarity and development.
Writte by Walter Monterroza